Joint SMI and ICTM-IE Postgraduate Conference 2023

The jointly held annual postgraduate conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland and the Irish National Committee of the International Council for Traditional Music took place on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 January 2023, hosted by the School of Music, University College Dublin. This was the first campus-based SMI and ICTM-IE postgraduate conference since January 2020; the two societies are renowned for their collegiality and participants were asked to attend in-person to take advantage of all that the conference has to offer.

The presentation of the biennial Harry White Doctoral Prize, inaugurated in 2020, took place during the event and, as with previous SMI and ICTM-IE postgraduate conferences, the programme included a Careers Forum and a dedicated session featuring prize-winners of the annual CHMHE competition for undergraduate dissertations. The keynote speaker was Dr Tim Summers (Royal Holloway, University of London).

The conference programme is available here.